Saving Energy With Business Phone Services

Saving Energy With Business Phone Services

  • 3 Surprising Benefits of Having a Thick, Healthy Lawn

    A thick, green, lush, healthy lawn is very attractive outside of any home, but as a homeowner, you may struggle to keep your lawn healthy and may neglect its overall upkeep and care. You also may not be overly concerned about the appearance of your home, but may also not realize the actual benefits of the grass or turf on your property. Before you go another weekend with big brown patches on your lawn or large bare spots that you think aren't very important, note a few surprising benefits of having a healthy lawn of green grass.

  • School Shade Sails: The exclusive guide to purchasing a shade sail

    Schools and childcare facilities need to provide a conducive environment for the kids there. Children are playful, but letting them run around in the blazing sun can be dangerous for their health. The harmful UV rays and intense heat from the sun can in the end lead to health complications for children. That is one of the reasons that led to the popularity of shade sails. These structures aim to provide a cool shade even in the hottest of days.

  • Landscaping Supplies That Can Protect Your Property and Soil

    When you shop for landscape supplies, you may be thinking of how to make your yard and property look its best. While it's true that certain trees, shrubbery and other such landscaping features can enhance your home's curb appeal, certain supplies can also protect the property and the soil. When planning your landscaping and shopping for supplies, note a few you may want to include in order to have a healthy yard, not just an attractive yard.

  • Septic Tanks And Floods: Two Things You Need To Know Before Summer Storms Arrive

    Queensland is a popular place to live due to its beautiful coastal beaches and overall warm climate. However, Queensland is also well known for extreme weather during the annual summer storms. As the new owner of a Queensland property that contains a septic tank, you need to know how the flooding from these storms can affect both your health and your property. Become septic tank wise before the summer arrives, so you can keep your family safe from any danger.

  • Simple Tips and Tests for Maintaining Fire Equipment

    When you're in charge of a commercial facility of any sort, you want to ensure you maintain your fire equipment regularly. Most building owners or business managers know to have the fire extinguishers checked and refilled at least twice per year so they're functional and ready for use, but there is much more that you should be doing to ensure the safety of your building's occupants and staff in the event of a fire.

About Me

Saving Energy With Business Phone Services

When people talk about saving energy, they often get bogged down in the same topics – seal your drafty home, install a programmable thermostat, paint your roof white and similar tips are often shared. However, there are other ways to save energy. My name is Gina, and I run a small office. However, recently, I decided to let all of my team telecommute from home. They no longer waste fuel driving to work, which is great for the environment, and it is all possible thanks to phone systems that make it look like we are all in the same office. I also do other environmental things for my company. If you want tips or ideas on being more environmentally friendly with your business, check out these posts and enjoy.

